You are currently viewing GBV Core concept training for the key opinion leaders and project volunteers

GBV Core concept training for the key opinion leaders and project volunteers

The training was aim at improving the skills of key opinion leaders, which includes traditional leaders, Women leaders, Imams in the camps, Head of schools (Principals) and project volunteers in managing gender-based violence in emergency settings especially in this era of Covid-19 pandemic where there are heightening cases of Gender Based Violence in the in the camps and community at large where women and girls who are the most vulnerable have been ‘lockdown’ with their Abusers or Potential perpetrators at home. This training was purposefully design to increase awareness through the community sensitization component of the intervention among decision makers for IDPs and the community at large on how to manage Gender-Based Violence as a health and human rights problem.


Self-introduction by participants



Program manager REBHI, Demonstrating the 20 seconds handwashing technique



Physical exercise on the attitude and perception of GBV

